Monday, June 5, 2023

A post from back in 2020

This is an older post but it is interesting to see my reaction to Covid.

 I have not posted since January 15th 2020. I mentioned at the time that ANYEYE Film Lab had been to Colorado, Berlin Germany, and Nantes France. Being amazed at where my films had taken me.

A lot has happened since then. There has been a shift in things. Fear and caution have all but replaced curiosity and confidence. Travel is restricted, gatherings are restricted and interaction is now primarily over video conference calls. An opportunistic virus has brought our capitalist system to a standstill. At least the retail part of it. It seems odd, maybe ironic that a microbe could do this.
Memes are birthing and spreading as well. This has been the most depressing part of the three month experience. I do not feel like we are all in this together. Nor do I want to be a hero. I just want to be able to communicate in full sentenced with body language and gestures in real time and space.
I have taken on the task of renovating a two car garage. I want to turn it into a studio office space and make room for our 4 year old step grandson to have a room of his own.

The garage looks like this so far.

An earlier post from 2013

This is the seventh year of the ANYEYE blog. Since that time ANYEYE has been to France, Germany, Colorado, This cities of New York, Buenos Aires, London, and Barcelona. The film world has expanded to include film labs like us in Latvia, Australia, Mexico, and right nearby in Waltham.

Saturday, June 3, 2023


I just returned from a trip to Toronto. I had participated in a 5 day Film Labs meeting sponsored by L.I.F.T.

Two film world colleagues and I stayed in and Air B&B on the west side in a part of Toronto called "The Junction". We walked and talked a lot and spent much of time in discussion and at the events, seeing films and attending workshops.

I was inspired by the number of young people who have been drawn to analog film making. They brought a very broad range of skills and sensibilities to the event.

There was a clear focus on the environmental impact of photochemical processes and ways to mediate that impact. There were also presentations on DIY technical solutions to projection, sound production, and optical printing. High energy at every event.

I am really reassured at these meetings (Colorado Springs, Nantes, Berlin), how much alive the photochemical process is and how much it is expanding to include new technologies and processes.  I am encouraged that even though I may be somewhat isolated here in the burbs than there are artists from all over the world who are immersed in this form of image making.