Since Last Fall
ANYEYE has been growing internally since last summer's film series. There have been a number of ongoing projects worth paying attention to. The Random Orphan Film series has morphed into a Pop-Up series which will be happening in June. We will be on the road in July with a presentation at the Marblehead Arts Festival. This past fall we made a silent film presentation in Brian Pellinen's History of Film Class at Endicott College's Boston Campus.
Other project updates;
There are two pieces of equipment that are being developed for the lab. An contact printer has been built from a motorized sync block with an LED light source. Also, a simple optical printer has been built from an old Keyston projector linked to a Bolex with an time-lapse motor. The projector is driven by an arduino controlled stepper motor. There are a few details to work out but preliminary tests show that the device works quite well. pictures to follow.
We have been building an equipment base that could support next fall's film class at Montserrat. To this end we have acquired two Bolex Rex 3 cameras and a Kraznogorsk Super 16 camera from the Ukraine.
File Prep Tips: Canva and Procreate
11 months ago